Thursday, February 15, 2007

Spoilt, doublefold

I was spoilt rotten last night. And I enjoyed every second of it. I am not sure why, from an evolutionary perspective, women desire romance so much. Surely romantic gestures such as a bunch of flowers, no matter how beautiful, will not increase our chance of survival or success in rearing our young. But it is uncontestable that romance we do desire. And flowers have the power to turn us into a happy, sappy puddle.

On another note, after hearing on the BBC Breakfast report that yellow roses symbolised infidelity, I got curious and searched for the symbolic meaning of other flowers. Here's a sample:
  • Tulips: perfect lover
  • Red rose: I love you
  • Primrose: I can't live without you
  • Lily - yellow: I am walking on air. False and gay (???)
  • Carnation - yellow: you have disappointed me, rejection
  • Poppy - red: pleasure
  • Violet - white: let's take a chance


Joe said...

Ooh! A blog post and you didn't even go on holiday!

Does this mean you have two suitors?

Jean said...

There's only one 'suitor' spoiling me at the moment. The first bunch of flowers are from another time, when we went to the Columbia Rd Flower Market the other wkend.

And yes, I will try to blog more. Key word being 'try' ;)

j a s o n said...

Lucky girl!

More blogging please!

Iqbal Khaldun said...

Hmmm looks like you received tulips ;-)