Sunday, April 01, 2007

My Georgie

I thought I would do a little Wiki research to understand Georgie a little better (actually I was killing time whilst waiting for photos to load up).

Excerpt from Wikipedia
Female giraffes associate in groups of a dozen or so members, occasionally including a few younger males. Males tend to live in "bachelor" herds, with older males often leading solitary lives. Reproduction is polygamous, with a few older males impregnating all the fertile females in a herd. Male giraffes determine female fertility by tasting the female's urine in order to detect estrus, in a multi-step process known as the Flehmen response.

The males often engage in "Necking", which has been described as having various functions. One of these is combat... Another function of necking is affectionate and sexual, in which two males will caress and court each other, leading up to mounting and climax. Same sex relations are more frequent than heterosexual behavior. In one area 94% of mounting incidents were of a homosexual nature. The proportion of same sex courtships varies between 30 and 75%, and at any given time one in twenty males will be engaged in affectionate necking behavior with another male. Females, on the other hand, only appear to have same sex relations in 1% of mounting incidents.

Um.. perhaps it should be Roger the Rabbit and not Sexy Bunny for Georgie?

Now isn't Georgie just so cute?

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